Bhutan 2009 – Multimedia CD Rom Stamps Official Issue


Issue date 21 February 2009

On 21st February 2009 coinciding with the 29th Birthday of His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the 5th Druk Gyalpo of the Kingdom of Bhutan, Bhutan Post issued its second issue in a series of world's first CD-ROM postage stamps. These stamps are mini-CDs that fit into exquisitely decorated, self-adhesive envelopes. When affixed to a larger envelope, the CD-ROM stamp can be used as postage. When inserted into a computer, the CD-ROM plays an 8-minute video about Bhutan.

"Bhutan: Voting for Happiness" illustrates the country's peaceful transition from heredity monarchy to constitutional democracy. "Bhutan: Coronation 2008" documents the coronation of Bhutan's new king, His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck.
Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures.

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